A Sound and Reiki Journey dedicated to Spring Equinox, also called Vernal Equinox. A time for new beginnings, change and cleansing.
A time of natures renewal and fresh growth. First you will be lead on a grounding meditation focusing on bringing on new breath, inviting in new ideas and outcomes.
You will then take some time to honor your divine creativity. Utilizing seeds, you will set intentions while creating sacred art. Seeds will be used as a symbol of growth, life, nurture and renewal.
A meditative sound experience will follow, you will receive reiki blessings during this journey intentionally cleansing and restoring your physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.
Leaving you feeling rested with a renewed sense of being.
Please bring a journal for self reflection.
Sliding scale for workshop is $22-33
Neon Calling by Beth Ricciardone is a journey, a transformational experience guided by way of practical alchemy. This practice is an assemblage of intention, sound vibrations, deep meditation, crystals, and reiki. Sacred sound tools include a crystal pyramid, gong, drum, tingshas and ritual ghanta bell. Beth is certified in gong and sound healing, kundalini yoga, and as a reiki master teacher. Beth’s goal is to create a safe container for others to experience personal transformation and deep reflection. Read more about Beth at Neoncalling.com.
Stephanie Moreno, MA, ATR is a Holistic Art Therapist. She holds a credential with the Art Therapy Credentials Board as a Registered Art Therapist. As an integrative wellness practitioner Stephanie incorporates Reiki, meditation, ritual, coaching, oracle cards, spirituality and mindfulness into her work. Fusing her personal experiences, clinical education and indigenous roots Stephanie holds space with warmth and compassion. Assisting your internal process, release, and self-embrace.